

After what could be called the merriest Christmas of all time, I'm back! and I have so much to share with you... but not quite yet. You will have to wait a little bit longer.

Over the next few weeks Red House Vintage is going be evolving and plans which I have had for a very long time will finally be coming together! We also have a seriously incredible collection coming out in early January. Think party times and long summer nights.
I really wanted to have some amazing dresses out for everyone pre-NYE but it just hasn't turned out that way, boo! So I hope everyone had something awesome to wear anyway and had an amazing time wearing it!

Unfortunately for me, Dave and I both had to work yesterday (he also started at 8am this morning, ewwwww) so we decided to postpone out NYE celebrations until tomorrow night. Daves band, Two Suns are supporting Earthless. Best. Thing. Ever!! so tomorrow should be a particularly epic night. I was really excited for this gig before Two Suns were supporting... so now I'm like crazy-excited. If you dig your psych rock jams (not to mention awesome long effing guitar solos) I really hope that you are catching Earthless somewhere near you over the next few weeks! and if you are in Adelaide you should def come tomorrow night (Sunday 2nd Jan) to the The Ed and join my party!

At the moment I'm planning to dress slightly on the tame side (very out of character, no maxi dress, no psychedelic patterns or massive sleeves) tomorrow night in a pretty black pleated vintage dress. Super plain but easy to accessories the crap out of. Some of my very attractive friends will be there too, no doubt looking like babes so I promise to take some photos for once!! and actually post them!!!

Anyway Happy New Year everyone, get ready for whats set to be the best one yet!
But for now, I'm off to see the Wizard.... XX

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