
get motivated.

I wish I could.
Today I've spent almost all of my working time doing nothing. Well not exactly nothing, I listened to many good tunes, added about 1000 things to my "really wants" list, almost decided on the best present ever for my friends 21st, played with my dog, got a pastie with my boyfriend for lunch, watched some 90's music videos on youtube, caught up on many favourite and new blogs, tried to get my new phone to work (and it wont), played with some clothes and cooked some Mexican for dinner.
And now its 6.45pm and I am just starting to do what I was meant to do all day. Oh well another late night for me.
The last few weeks have consisted of many out of the ordinary late nights, mainly due to the fact that Daves band is currently recording an EP and he's been getting home at all sorts of hours every other night.

There is also the totally real issue of not being able to get off eBay no matter how hard I try... I can always think of "just one more" thing to look up.
EBay addiction, it's taking over.

Ha ha I just thought of the irony of writing a blog post whinging about wasting time.
Alright with that I better be off, go make yourself a cuppa tea & have a good weekend!

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